41 research outputs found

    The reals as rational Cauchy filters

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    We present a detailed and elementary construction of the real numbers from the rational numbers a la Bourbaki. The real numbers are defined to be the set of all minimal Cauchy filters in Q\mathbb{Q} (where the Cauchy condition is defined in terms of the absolute value function on Q\mathbb{Q}) and are proven directly, without employing any of the techniques of uniform spaces, to form a complete ordered field. The construction can be seen as a variant of Bachmann's construction by means of nested rational intervals, allowing for a canonical choice of representatives

    Metric characterization of connectedness for topological spaces

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    Connectedness, path connectedness, and uniform connectedness are well-known concepts. In the traditional presentation of these concepts there is a substantial difference between connectedness and the other two notions, namely connectedness is defined as the absence of disconnectedness, while path connectedness and uniform connectedness are defined in terms of connecting paths and connecting chains, respectively. In compact metric spaces uniform connectedness and connectedness are well-known to coincide, thus the apparent conceptual difference between the two notions disappears. Connectedness in topological spaces can also be defined in terms of chains governed by open coverings in a manner that is more reminiscent of path connectedness. We present a unifying metric formalism for connectedness, which encompasses both connectedness of topological spaces and uniform connectedness of uniform spaces, and which further extends to a hierarchy of notions of connectedness

    A folk Quillen model structure for operads

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    We establish, by elementary means, the existence of a cofibrantly generated monoidal model structure on the category of operads. By slicing over a suitable operad the classical Rezk model structure on the category of small categories is recovered

    The real numbers - a survey of constructions

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    We present a comprehensive survey of constructions of the real numbers (from either the rationals or the integers) in a unified fashion, thus providing an overview of most (if not all) known constructions ranging from the earliest attempts to recent results, and allowing for a simple comparison-at-a-glance between different constructions

    Metric 1-spaces

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    A generalization of metric space is presented which is shown to admit a theory strongly related to that of ordinary metric spaces. To avoid the topological effects related to dropping any of the axioms of metric space, first a new, and equivalent, axiomatization of metric space is given which is then generalized from a fresh point of view. Naturally arising examples from metric geometry are presented

    An ordered framework for partial multivalued functors

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    The category Rel of sets and relations intimately ties the notions of function, partial multivalued function, and direct image under a function through the description of Rel as the Kleisli category of the covariant power set functor on Set. We present a suitable framework to obtain a similar relationship between the concepts of functor, partial multivalued functor, and the direct image under a functor.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering 2015, Fij

    Completion of continuity spaces with uniformly vanishing asymmetry

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    The classical Cauchy completion of a metric space (by means of Cauchy sequences) as well as the completion of a uniform space (by means of Cauchy filters) are well-known to rely on the symmetry of the metric space or uniform space in question. For qausi-metric spaces and quasi-uniform spaces various non-equivalent completions exist, often defined on a certain subcategory of spaces that satisfy a key property required for the particular completion to exist. The classical filter completion of a uniform space can be adapted to yield a filter completion of a metric space. We show that this completion by filters generalizes to continuity spaces that satisfy a form of symmetry which we call uniformly vanishing asymmetry